What Do Cracks In Your Concrete Mean?

What Do Cracks In Your Concrete Mean?

PERIMETER BLOG LATEST NEWS & INTERESTING FACTS Fast forward a few months. It’s a sunny day in May. You’re watering the lawn with a hose in your shorts, half-paying attention as you drench the petunias in water you hopefully saved up over the wet winter months. But...
Water Saving Products Are Money Saving Products

Water Saving Products Are Money Saving Products

PERIMETER BLOG LATEST NEWS & INTERESTING FACTS It takes money to make money. That quote probably wasn’t coined by someone working in the drainage industry, because if it was then we’d probably have a lot more focus on municipal drainage systems and severe maintenance...
The Hidden Pros & Cons of Landscaped Water Solutions

The Hidden Pros & Cons of Landscaped Water Solutions

PERIMETER BLOG LATEST NEWS & INTERESTING FACTS It’s pretty simple. Water in your basement = bad. Water on your lawn = bad. Water running down the walls of your house = bad. So water is bad, right? Well, we wouldn’t have the humid and life-bringing climate we enjoy...