Water Saving Products Are Money Saving Products

Water Saving Products Are Money Saving Products

PERIMETER BLOG LATEST NEWS & INTERESTING FACTS It takes money to make money. That quote probably wasn’t coined by someone working in the drainage industry, because if it was then we’d probably have a lot more focus on municipal drainage systems and severe maintenance...
Are Water Barrels Making a Comeback?

Are Water Barrels Making a Comeback?

PERIMETER BLOG LATEST NEWS & INTERESTING FACTS “You see them more often these days for sure, and it’s a welcome change. It’s nearly 2016, and we need to be responsible not only for a sustainable ecosystem in our own back yard, but a sustainable process of water...
What Would Water Harvesting Look Like On My Property?

Save Money in the Summer: Water Harvesting

PERIMETER BLOG LATEST NEWS & INTERESTING FACTS For the past few months we’ve been talking about the pros and cons of water flow in and around your house. 2015 was the year of the dry basement for the team here at Perimeter, and we bundled up our tips and advice so you...