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Everything eventually ends up in the same place, right?

From TV’s to radios to milk jugs to used construction materials like wood and paint, you’re definitely right, it does all end up in the same place. 

The planet. 

And as those materials break down in landfills, they release harmful toxins into the water table that could potentially find its way back into the water that comes out of your faucet. 

Unless we spend hard-earned tax-payers’ dollars on extra hours at waste treatment plants to pay for hours of separating, breaking down, and organization. Perimeter does a lot of work providing mini bins and Split Waste Bins to construction companies so they can focus on their work, but when it comes to household items?

You shouldn’t need someone to come pick up your used batteries or old appliances. 

North Vancouver 

“Thanks to you, we are now diverting almost 70% of our waste from the landfill! There is still work to be done to achieve our regional goal of 80% diversion by 2020. Remember, the best way to deal with garbage is by not creating it in the first place. Making small changes to how you purchase and use items can make a big difference.”

That’s straight from the City of North Vancouver’s website, and it’s a great message. 

The waste that’s unavoidable, however? Most can be dropped off at the North Vancouver Transfer Station. From batteries to BBQ’s from TV’s to drywall, the city has a complete list of items you can drop off. 

North Vancouver Transfer Station Accepted Items


“Many items from home can be recycled and are banned from disposal as “garbage”.”

Imagine what it was like when it came to recycling, 40, 30, 20 or even a decade ago. As a society we’re growing by leaps and bounds, which is not only crucial to the environment in which we currently live, it’s vital to the sustainability of the environment for future generations as well. 

However, the City of Vancouver currently suffers from an epidemic of abandoned garbage that creates environment and health hazards in the neighbourhoods we call home. 

It has to change. 

Accepted at the Vancouver Transfer Station

Materials banned from Vancouver transfer station and landfills

New LED lights have gas contained inside that can leak out if they’re thrown in the trash. Refrigerators contain freon that can have devastating effects on the environment. Materials of all shapes and sizes can harm the environment, and it only takes a single item to create the problem. Even some pieces of cardboard or brochures and magazines contain harmful inks and dyes that, once they’re in the ground, are virtually impossible to remove. 

Household Plan of Attack

The Recycling Council of BC has an excellent online resource to help you determine a plan of attack for all your household recyclables that you can access here. You can even select your region so you know exactly where to go.

It’s this type of simple resource we believe so strongly in here at Perimeter. Sure, it takes an investment to create innovative solutions, whether it’s an online database of recycling locations or a Split Waste Mini Bin with a built-in dividing wall, but once we’ve got these solutions, they’re not going away, and recycling will get easier and easier. 

Take it from us, recycling is an important job. If you stick to the plan at home, you’ll be well on your way to a clean, refreshing environment.

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